I met a Brother recently, a Catholic brother, and I was talking to him, and he was an older gentleman, and he had surprisingly good hearing. So, I said to him, “Did you listen to the radio when you were younger.” He tells me that of course he had he listened to all the greats, he mentions Dinah Shore.
I stop him and say, “I thought she wrote a cookbook.” Brother Ignacious looks at me like I'm crazy, but I am not. I go home and I discover a Dinah Shore cookbook in the cupboard. Granted, I knew about her for a very minor part in her life. After looking her up, I found that she had an extensive solo career in music and television. Her writing a cookbook was not really a keystone piece in her life work. In the past few weeks I haven't cooked, recipes. I have entertained. I have gone off the cuff, but I have not followed any instructions. So, forgive the generalities put in place for this weeks recipes. |

It was about eight. I don't remember who it was, but they said they were going to leave, so they could have dinner. I told them that we could make something. Unless they really just wanted to leave. Obviously they didn't. I'm perfect. So, I decide that we'll make pasta, and this very simple cream sauce to go along with it.
We are in the process of making this when I realize that we do not have heavy cream. So, we use milk. The sauce is for all intensive purposes the consistency of water. Thunder, proceeds to take the helm and we add an array of cheeses, seasonings, and chicken to thicken up the sauce.
Poor Boomer is with us. He is a very picky eater, and I am planning on dumping all the white sauce over the pasta and putting it into one big bowl on the table. By this point the entire dinner had escalated, we had china out, there were tea and coffee pots. But, Boomer says to me can't we just separate the two.
I acquiesce assuming he will not eat the pasta with the sauce. I do not know if I goaded him into it, but he does. He eats it. He spoons that sauce onto the pasta and whether or not he enjoyed it. He ate it.
When all of this is over, Thunder and I, ignore cleaning the dishes and allow Boomer, Miss Sara Bellum, and the Mayor to deal with it. They need to work on their rinsing skills.

It might also be that I was watching The Simple Life with them and as the most brain dead TV show in reruns, will be the perfect show to watch after semester exams.
¾ cup of Parmesan
¾ cup of Milk
½ cup of Butter
Garlic Powder
Butt load of Extra Parmesan
½ cup to 1 cup Mozzarella
Chicken Base (Tiny Bit doesn't matter)
Combine the Parmesan, milk and butter stirring on low heat until mix. Proceed to add indiscriminate amounts of butter, flour, Parmesan, and mozzarella. Add chicken base, salt, and garlic powder to flavor.
Put on top of baked pasta.
It might feed six people.

¼ cup of Butter
Chocolate Chips
Pop the popcorn. Pour the melted butter over it. Then, put as much salt, chocolate chips, and marshmallows your heart can handle on top.
We found the chocolate chips settled to the bottom. So, you might want to melt them before putting it over the popcorn. We also considered adding butterscotch chips and caramel sauce to it. Just some suggestions from the Bubbles cooking team.