Now, you know the struggle is real for me when I do Tasty Tuesday's and I have done three in a row. I needed some divine inspiration. Also, I am not suggesting you get high on New Years Eve. That is a mess. You could get arrested. Pulled over. Go to jail. Don't do it.
I am also not a proponent of get drunk on New Years Eve. Or any day really. I am just an easily stressed out person. People take advantage of you when you're wasted and if your friends are wasted what kind of protection is that. It isn't any. I just can't drink to intoxication in public. At the same time. Live your life. Get turnt the fuck up. It is New Years Eve.
Really? Rum. That's the best you got there. I did turn her down. I was driving and I was not here for it. Let me quantify that my experience with parties is two. I have been to two real parties.

I did kind of step around telling him about my crush like I kind of did, but I also didn't. I was a practicing asexual for most of high school, and it wasn't until this summer that I was like it's actually okay for me to acknowledge that I'm attracted to people.
It's been the hardest thing for me to do. Just for me to be like side note, he's really hot. Has taken so much effort. Of course when it does strike midnight on New Year's. I for one would like a hardcore make out session with crush to occur.
Speaking of alcohol, guess who almost spent all their money so they could go on a trip to Europe over spring break. Me. I did.
This made total sense in my mind. Because, the drinking age in Europe is lower or non existent. It made sense. I know I almost lost my mind. Not only was I going to spend all that money going to Europe, I would have had none left over.
I know me. I will buy so many clothes in Europe. So many. I will not understand conversion powers and I'll be like it's only 10 euros. I will be swept up in Valentino and my card will be declined. I need to prepare myself. And, I would much rather spend a semester abroad, then just a week. So, I put my foot down on that.
When I do study abroad, I will even turn on my location thing on twitter. Just to prove to you all. I really am in Europe. End point of this whole thing. Drink safely. Be careful. Find someone sexy to kiss at midnight. Make sure they don't have a cold sore and if you're staying at home like me. You really can get wasted. |
Artic Sunrise
¼ cup of Orange Juice Concentrate
½ ounce of Tequila
1 ½ teaspoon of Grenadine Syrup
6 Ice Cubes
1 slice of Orange
Using a blender, blend the orange juice concentrate, tequila, and ice cubes together. Pour it into a glass and top it with the grenadine syrup and an orange slice.
Cafe Chocolate
1 cup of Coffee
1 tablespoon of Chocolate Chips
1 pinch of Cinnamon
1 pinch of Cardamom
2 teaspoons of Brown Sugar
¼ ounce of White Creme de Cacao
1 dollop of Whipped Cream
Stir the coffee, chocolate chips, cinnamon, cardamom, brown sugar, and crème de cacao together. Sppon a dollop of whipped cream over the top.
4 ounces of Orange Juice
1 ounce of Vodka
¾ ounces of Amaretto
2 teaspoon of Lime Juice
Shake all ingredients together with ice.
¼ ounce of Rum
¾ ounce of Pineapple Juice
2 teaspoons of Orange Juice
2 teaspoons of Lemon Juice
Shake all the ingredients together, with ice.
1/3 cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
2 tablespoons of Milk
1 ounce of Vodka
1/3 ounce of Kahlua
Using a blender, blend all ingredients together.