-Nicole Richie
When, she first started on the Simple Life I was not feeling her. I did not like her. She was trouble, she was rude, and she was avert your eyes funny. Now, I always loved Paris, and because of that by season three of the Simple Life I loved their friendship. I ship their friendship so hard to this day. By the time the fourth season rolled around I adored Nicole. |
Also, I did not do my research as well as I should have for an article I did for you entitled “Come Alive”. It was over Paris Hilton's latest release as a musician. In it I said something about how Nicole Richie wasn't singing. That is not true. In episode 19 (I think) of Candidly Nicole she is in the studio writing a song called “Stunnah” for a mixtape entitled Nikki Rich. Yes, I did start with episode 19 instead of the first one. Your judgmental eyes need to watch the video. And, this has been fun.