When, I heard of the news last Thursday, I said to myself, I'll have to dedicate a Throwback Thursday to her. Shift the one I was already writing up another three weeks and replace it with one of Joan. I decided, and I realized that this wasn't fair to her legacy.

I don't know who thought that was in good taste. It wasn't. It wasn't particularly funny either. It is too soon. In a year, maybe even a few months from now, I can see that humor. But, not right now. There was no disrespect with the passing of Robin Williams anywhere, and it's possible that because Joan wasn't as integral to our childhood the way Robin Williams was that she wasn't given the same regard.
I could just be sensitive. Joan might have found it completely funny. Her humor was crass and bold at times. She always seemed to counter whatever she said with that string of pearls. “I'm still a lady.” As she swung them around. Her stand up was shocking. She mercilessly pointed out the flaws of herself, other celebrities. It was entertainment. Much like Betty White, Joan has had a resurgeance as of late with spots on Celebrity Apprentice, Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best and Fashion Police. She even did a spot on Hot In Cleveland opposite Betty White as her twin sister. |
Apparently she also had a line of jewelry for QVC, I found this out reading an article on NPR. Be shocked. Be amazed. NPR.