I did buy Nick Jonas's album the moment it came out this month. I admit this. I also acknowledge that I bought it solely, because of his body and not really the quality of the music. However that does not change my opinion that it's a quality. That is however not what we are talking about. We're actually discussing the reason he has that body. Kingdom. |
The basic concept is about this martial arts gym and it's family. Nick Jonas is the owners son and a fighter. That is why he is in such great shape. It's so he can play the role of an empowered boxer. Damn, he looks so good. Mind you I watched this show for his body, so I got what I wanted. I just don't really care for the show or its premise. Mind you I am on episode one, but I'm not too interested in episode two. It's already got its cliches. None of which they seem to be playing off well. |
Slay me now god.

You also need to get a tumblr. Not just so you can follow me, but so amazing things like that will fall into your lap.