When, I am scrolling down tumblr and see this very attractive man. Of course I watch the video to find out that he is very gay. If you're a youtuber you either have to be a heterosexual female or gay. There go my plans to have children with this man.
By the way I'm talking about Davey Wavey. Is that his real name. That cannot be his real name. As you can tell I did not really do my research on him. I was however enraptured with his video and after Jennifer Lopez and Iggy stopped shaking on the AMA's, I got sucked into the dark hole of YouTube and slick watched his videos for an hour, before remembering I actually have to go school.
The first one is also not as bad as I expected. Yes, I watched it. I am a filthy whore, you know this, we are moving on. It was the funniest thing. Also, they don't actually measure anything. It basically is what the size your penis should be on the internet. It was insane. Side note that the guy with him is a porn star. I think. Like Davey Wavey didn't directly say it, but he has an inappropriate number of porn star friends. That is not normal. Where do you just randomly get porn star friends. At your local Starbucks? Honestly.
The video he did with Tyler Oakley is legit hysterical, but it's Tyler Oakley. Flawless, tie dye colored hair, God. I just kind of love Davey Wavey, because I feel like he's a more attractive, muscle bound, version of me if I was a youtuber.
Some of his videos do scare me and I have not watched them. “The Lube Challenge”. I do not think so. I do have some very low standards, but they are there. |