Gone Girl
Mind you, I think my neighbor read both of these books before she gave them to me. They were both 'new', but they also weren't new. Either way I couldn't afford to buy two hardcovers, and I find it to be funny. She thinks she pulled one over on me.
You probably do not know about Gone Girl. Americans do not read. I am guilty. I love a good book, I just don't usually get around to it unless its summer. I started reading Gone Girl right around the semester exams. You have nothing to do in class besides study. And, that's tedious. So, I read.
This book apparently was the second best selling book behind 50 Shades of Grey last year. And, yet I had no idea what this book was. I had never heard of it. Now people who have read this book will tell you. Oh, my god, Gillian Flynn is so amazing. I never saw any of this coming. She is a true genius.
No, no. It may just be that I've read a lot of Agatha Christie in my life and Gillian Flynn's little ploys were not holding water with me, but I knew what happened. It was page twenty and I knew. I knew what had gone on. Not all of it, because for that part Gillian Flynn did an amazing job, but I still knew. So, it's reasonable to ask. Why are you recommending this book to me. First of all, multiple people were shocked by this book, I am probably among the rare majority, so you really will think Gillian Flynn is a genius. Mainly, though. It's just really entertaining. It's a solid fun, quick paced, witty in the dark kind of humor way. I really like this book. It might have taken me three days to finish it. |
Gillian. Sweetheart. That is not how you handle a classy sophisticated man's character. His wife was also the inspiration for a child's book series Amazing Amy. So, poor Nick over here is really on trial for not only killing his wife, but for killing an American staple. His life is messed up. There is also a movie coming out on October 3rd. Plans have yet to reveal whether or not I will be doing a Media Monday for it or not, but we shall see. Gillian Flynn, the writer of Gone Girl wrote the screenplay. So, kudos to her. I was excited for this movie when I heard Reese Witherspoon was attached to it. She's just producing it. *sigh*. |
And, you'll know if I'm doing an extra article on the movie. Just check the homepage, twitter, tumblr. You'll find out one way or another.