We had one goal to find a candle that represented the fall season. We found none. We went in two different shops and each time could not find what Rosencrantz wanted. After this the movie Gone Girl just happens to come up. Now I had planned on going to see it with my mother. I have decided to set myself on a budget as I have been spending rather recklessly as of late. And, there's nothing better then having your mother pay for it.
So, first I saw Gone Girl. You know I read the book. I wrote an article on it. I even said how Rosencrantz was probably going to go see it with me. I know my friendship so well. The obvious question is how great is Ben Affleck's penis. Yes. It is in the movie. I was told it was near the start of the movie. That is a bold faced lie. That comes at the end. Of course we would have rather seen his penis ten years ago in a more primed up shape, however we can juxtapose. Hello, photo shop. |
You have to remember that this review is coming from someone who read the book. That I knew the screenplay was written by the author. I had very specific expectations for this film and they were not met. The author said the film would differ from the book. It did not. There were deviations, but nothing jaw dropping. Some of the same uncomfortable dialogue from the book found its way into the movie. Thank you Gillian Flynn.
I did enjoy the movie. You should see it. There are some graphic scenes, sexually, physically, and verbally, so beware of that. This movie is not Academy Award material. If you don't see it. You are not missing anything. I would give it 3 ½ Bubbles personally.
He does a great job. This movie is horrifying. I do not get freaked out by a lot of horror movies, because I can seperate them from my life. But, a man in distress comes knocking on your door and proceeds to terrorize your family. That I can relate to. It makes me not want to answer my door.
Let me also point out that Leslie Bibb is in this movie. And if you read my Good Christian Bitches article like you should have. You know that she is Amanda and that I love everyone on that show. You know the woman who plays Cricket is going to be on Hilary Duff's new TV show on TVLand Younger. That is exciting. |
Make a point of seeing it. I gave it 4 Bubbles. I did not ask my mother her opinion, because she does not know that I blog. So, whenever she does find out about this. That should be interesting.