I have a bad problem with calling everyone queen. I call my bestfriends kween, although I should probably stop that. I wouldn't want to be accused of appropriating gay culture. But, needless to say I think it's true. Everyone's a queen. Me, the girl next door, that bitch who's on the pound that killed Princess Diana. We're all queens.
I felt guilty that I didn't do enough promo for Cyndi Lauper on this blog for her recently released album Detour. It's a little known secret that she's one of my favorite people. |
She's very pop in her stance in pop culture, but Cyndi Lauper is a talented musician. She's done everything and that's why the follow up to her Jazz album Memphis Blues shouldn't be anything less than a detour into country music.
The woman has done it all successfully well. Alt rock in the nineties, modern electronica, mainstream top 40. It was time for country to take her on. Detours is Cyndi Lauper's foray back into music after a six year hiatus. |