I am an exceedingly boring person in life and liberty. I was really hoping something exciting would come along that I could tell you instead of this, but it is kind of a funny story. So, I might as well tell you.
So, Black Friday was a very eventful day for me. I did not go shopping. No, hunty that is what Cyber Monday is for. You stay up until midnight and press order and you go back to sleep. That is my kind of shopping.

I finally got around to seeing it. Dylan O'Brien is my baby and he is in this movie. I honestly thought he was a side character, but no he was main lead. The movie was fantastic. I didn't know what it was about going into it, but it was great. Side note that Dylan O'Brien looked sexy as fuck in this movie. He's cute. That's why I like him, but in this movie he was lean and fit and just take my body kind of sexy. Honestly he's a great actor. I was surprised. I thought we would see Stiles 2.0, but no Dylan brought a whole new light to this character.
I have had my license for two years and I have been in four wrecks. All minor, but still. I've come to realize that essentially I'm Lindsay Lohan. The funny thing about this wreck is someone said to me, do you really want to go out driving on Black Friday? I told them I would be fine. I was not.
The wreck was totally my fault. I rear ended this woman. Who was very angry and I felt so bad. I sympathize with her to be honest. She really didn't end up talking to me. Her husband did and he was super nice. He was understanding and everything.
Of course she decided to call the police. I was like nooooooooooooooo. I knew that meant I was getting a ticket. I just wanted to give her my insurance and walk away. That did not happen. |
The officer also thought I was dating Boomer. I was like please stop. This is my best friend. No.
That was what happened. I then went to work. Assuming that it would be the highlight of my day. I told everyone about my wreck. We exchanged stories. It was great and then my general manager to decided to come in. This is the same man who flipped a table and damaged my books for school. I do not like him.
He sends away my favorite manager and he decides that he is going to run the store that night. It was horrible. No one could talk or say anything. It was just awful. |
He even told me I should do my hair orange for Halloween, so I don't get why all of a sudden it needs to be a natural color. It is not in the employee handbook, because I read it.If he wants to fire me, why doesn't he needs to come up with a better reason. Because, this one is bullshit, because he literally never said it was a problem before this.
He also said he was going to fire me if I didn't change it. Fun fact. I don't know if he was just in a funk or what, but I am applying to different jobs. I do not like being harassed.
Needless to say I got off early that night. I pushed my way past my coworker to get off before her. I am not even sorry. Update to anyone who didn't already know. I am a bitch.