I tried something this semester at school. I attempted to have a male friend. I really only have Boomer and I was like why not. Live on the wild side. Be friends with a boy. And, I just don't know how I feel.
I decided against my better to judgment to befriend this boy. To be fair I needed help in math. I had a reason. |
He really doesn't talk to me if other people are around. And, all of his friends are girls. We would probably be better friends if I had a vagina. I'm just never good enough for him.

The only thing I can imagine that's holding me back is that I don't feel like he does it on purpose. I don't feel like he does it on purpose. I don't really know what I think. I've been avoiding Warner recently. Which, is really hard considering I see him every day. I just don't want to talk to him. I do want to talk to him. I want to tell him how I feel, but that's not what boys do is it? They don't talk about their feelings. I don't know.
He's also a terrible person to tell something to. I told him I was insanely jealous of this person and he responded by telling me “but he's awesome”. Makes me want to punch someone in the face. I am expressing my jealousy. Not trying to find out that even one more person thinks he's awesome. Warner also told me that one of my shirts looks like it has acne on it. Rude. Everyone else liked it, but this little bitch tells me that.
He never replies to me. I'll be like do you want to do something and he just won't respond. I'm not expecting a yes, but a no would be nice. A, I didn't see this in time or I have other plans would be nice. Is it really that much to ask for a common courtesy.
I've been powering through Ugly Betty and Justin is going through the same thing. His straight friend doesn't treat him well either. Shout out to straight boys for being wonderful people. I love you all so much.
Only three months until school starts up again. In that time I imagine it won't even cross Warner's mind that I exist. That's a real friend. |