Yet, somehow I was able to tweet, tumble, and e-mail my heart away. The internet was working and yet my beautiful blog was having none of it. So, I e-mailed my support team about the problem.
Isn't that funny my support team. What I really mean is the people that run and operate weebly. They are really nice people. If your going to blog, I really do like weebly as a platform. It's relatively simple to use. They always try to fix your problem, although they don't always succeed. Considering I spend no money on this and have no skills in regards to the computer world, the problems I do have are minimal.
Needless to say they got back to me very quick and told me that they working with Comcast to unblock me. Comcast had blocked my blog. I think it's safe for me to say 'fuck Comcast'. I have never said a bad word about Comcast. I don't know why they would block my blog.
Sure, I swear, but that's the extent of my wrong doing. This is not a porn blog. This is just a regular old let's talk about pop culture and me kind of blog. Needless to say I am not pleased with Comcast.
Just imagine if I'd never known I was blocked by them, because my internet doesn't go through Comcast. There would be all these people who couldn't read my blog if they wanted to. I am not the holy grail of the blogging world, but Lord knows everyone should have the right to pick my shitty blog. If you are ever having troubles with that. Shoot me an e-mail. Message me on tumblr. Tag me on twitter. And, I will get weebly on that. In other very belated news I got my very first comment on the blog. |
I've been wanting to do a special article on this to commemorate it, but I have been just busy enough with school that I haven't had time to do extra articles. This is me telling Bubble Righted reader blueberry that your pretty fucking awesome.
This is the very first comment I've ever gotten on my blog and I love it
http://t.co/kGhYF9AbK9 pic.twitter.com/TJPaqxkdmZ
— Bubble Righted (@BubbleRighted) January 27, 2015
I was actually horrified to read the comment. I was notified I got a comment and I was like I am not going to read this. That was not a great day. I was not emotionally ready for a negative comment, because of course I thought it would be negative. It was on this article I did months ago, and I was like someone is about to call a bitch out for not doing her research.
Instead it was this super sweet, bonding moment of us agreeing that Matt Bomer is sexy as fuck. So, thank you blueberry for making my day. You are a boss ass bitch. |
Definitely follow me and if you haven't already checked out my Snapshot Saturday on Matt Bomer, you need to get on that. The writing is questionable, but the pictures make me want to choke myself on his tongue.