My parents went up to pay their respects. I stayed home from school. It all worked out well. This summer my mother decided to go up to help my great aunt and my grandfather out. She was gone for three weeks and I had no idea what she was doing. I couldn't have taken off three weeks from work to go help anyway.

Now I also knew that my mother had taken two sets of dishes from my grandfather's. My mother said we were going to get rid of our “daily ware” and replace it with one of the new ones. Our daily ware was not an extensive set the way these two are. These were fine china.

For some reason, I didn't think about how my mother protected this china. So, when I opened the trunk I was shocked to find each piece wrapped individually, in clothing.
I'm telling you, I don't know why I didn't put the pieces together. All of my aunts had ravaged my grandmother's closets, I knew my grandfather was giving away her clothing, what I didn't expect was for it all to be in the trunk of our car.
Mind you my grandmother had horrible taste. Expensive taste, but not good taste. Of all the things I helped unload, I took two things. They were both scarves. That way I can be all uppity and proper during the winter.
I don't know if my Aunt was trying to compete with this. But she gave us this beautiful antique robin blue lamp and a griddle.
I have no answers for you.

During the winter my 84 year old aunt's skin broke, so she wanted to see a dermatologist. He told her she had to use hypoallergenic soap, not pick at her skin, and that cetaphil was good for anyones skin. She then asks him, “What about these bruises on my arm?”
He says to her, “There's nothing we can really do about that. It's because of your age and the fact that you take aspirin.” I also know just from taking anatomy that you lose adipose tissue as you grow older, and adipose is a layer of fatty tissue that helps insulate you from shock. If I'm remembering correctly.
What my aunt gets from this is:
This is just what my mother has told me. I have no more explanation for this, then you do. I am so lost. Our family is now also using cetaphil. My mother took the dermatologist's advice and there is a bottle in every bathroom. It helps with you skin, so if it works, I will let you know. It's supposed to make your skin softer, cleanse it from all that bacteria.
What I have gotten from all this is that I will soon be even more beautiful then I am now. Fingers crossed.