With Hilary Clinton clinching the Democrat nomination over presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders a few weeks ago, I thought it was time to reminisce. I have limited knowledge about Hilary's politics beyond her grandstanding this year. Of course I know she was a senator in New York and that she was a Secretary of State for Obama, but that's just visceral wikipedia knowledge.
Truly the only thing I know about the Clintons, beside their support of the racially charged “super predator” concept is the Monica Lewinsky scandal. |
By this point we all know Bill Clinton did have sexual relations. I've always found it rather uncessary how we've expected Hilary to answer for Bill's scandal during his presidency. Her moral actions weren't involved when any of this went down.
I've always thought that the Clinton's had a loveless marriage. As every great political couple should be, it needs to be all about power and gain. Love is a frivolity in politics. Maybe I've been watching too much House of Cards. |
Now, I'm not sure who actually believes that. Bill Clinton's the kind of man who's very charismatic. You know I don't blame her. If the president wanted me to suck his dick, I would probably do it.
Hopefully, I would be experienced enough to swallow and not let it get all on my blue dress, but she was young. She must have been so flattered, that one of the most powerful men in the world was interested in her. I know I would have been. I feel like she was completely manipulated in this situation. We're her actions less then smart. Of course, but I don't blame her. She was young and you got to make mistakes. |
I don't want this scandal to be what defines her. I think she deserves better then that. I hope she makes a name for herself outside of her niche of pop culture phenom. They say that all press is good press, but I don't know if that was the case for her. She should not be defined by something that was five minutes of her life. It's not fair to degrade someone to one action.
You can hate on Monica Lewinsky all you want, but not many people can say they've been name checked by Beyonce. According to the New York Magazine she's been named checked in 128 different songs. Choke on that America. |