No. It will not happen. He is only very homosexual, and married to his manager... I think. I really don't know for sure, but its something along those lines. The man is white haired and ten years older then him. At first I did not understand how this happened. Then, I decided that they were a really cute couple. And, their children are so cute. Of course children are cute.
They have three boys. I'm surprised someone hasn't said they're going to turn out gay like their fathers. Side note that children with gay parents are not any more likely to be gay then children raised by a heterosexual couple. Just one more little acknowledgment that its a predisposition not a choice. Besides his very nice body, Matt Bomer is actually a very good actor. You might have heard of his role in the movie The Normal Heart. It's based off the play that centers on the AIDS crisis in New York. I have not seen the movie. You all know I do not have cable. I have been told he did a really good job, and if you're on tumblr you know Matt Bomer was robbed at the Daytime Emmy's. |
White Collar is not even fair to the world. They put him in a suit all the time and Matt Bomer. The man is already a god, and then you put him in a suit. I can't even breathe when I watch this show. He is so attractive. Of course he's great in Chuck. Honestly, I am not the person to ask about his acting abilities, because its Matt Bomer and I get distracted. However, the red blooded American males who review movies and TV shows say he is a good actor. That is all I need to know. |

Needless to say. I believe I have adequately explained why my sexuality is Matt Bomer. If you have not changed your sexuality. I'm just going to assume you are a heterosexual male or a lesbian. That is okay. Live your life. I'm just going to sit over here and continue to be obsessed with Matt Bomer without you.