She actually wrote an autobiography, Coal to Diamonds that I need to get around to reading. What you don't realize is that Beth Ditto is huge. Europe is obsessed with Gossip and her voice. The only song you might know by them is “Heavy Cross”. That's the song that plays in the background of the J'Adore commercial for Dior. The one where Charlize Theron sashays up and down the runway with a Marilyn Monroe look a like.
Their music is rock based. Although, Beth did do a solo EP, that is currently on it's way to my residence. I just ordered it. It will be everything. On their last album they explored more of an alternative dance sound. That played off quite well. A Joyful Noise is everything to me. Its assisted me through so many things in life. And, with their solid history of releasing an album every three years. Sometime in 2015 we should have more Gossip to enjoy. You'll know when it happens, because I will be blogging about it. Rest assured. |
You know something that's terrible. Is I considered not mentioning that Beth was a lesbian. But, I knew I wanted to put pictures of her wedding in. And, yes that's Jean Paul Gaultier she's wearing. Everything, Beth. Everything. I just wanted you to like Beth so much and I didn't want her being a lesbian to make you not like her. But, I realized that you would have to get the fuck over that. If that's the only reason you don't like Beth. I don't know what your problem is. Honestly if that's the reason you don't like her. We might have to sit down and talk about this heart to heart. About why your such a terrible human being. |

One thing I appreciate about Beth's interaction with her band. Is that they share album covers. Their drummer is on the cover of Music For Men and on the back Beth Ditto and guitarist Brace Paine have their faces spliced together. They apply a similar concept for A Joyful Noise and before that the three shared the front on Standing In The Way of Control.
It's just very nice that she does that. Because a band really is a team effort and so often it's made out not to be. I for one would never have taken part in Huey Lewis and the News. You can't get rid of Huey Lewis, because then it's just The News and no one listens to instrumental. But, if you need to replace part of The News. You can do that. Just like I would have had a showdown with Diana Ross when the Supremes started going by Diana Ross and the Supremes. That's not kosher. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Same thing with Huey Lewis. Sit down Joan. The end reason why I love Beth so much is that she's sexy. When I think of Beth, I always think of that scene in Runaway Bride. One of the many romantic comedies Richard Gere and Julia Roberts did together. There's this one part where Julia and her friend are in the salon. She's spinning in the chair, while her friend says, “You're a goddess. You're a goddess!” That's what Beth is. A goddess. |