I adore high heels. So, it really shouldn't come as a surprise that when forced to do an informative speech I chose to do it on the history of the high heel. I'm taking a speech class right now, because I have to for my major and it makes me die a little bit on the inside.
I've only given one other speech beside this one and I stalled. I was standing in front of the class. Had not said a word and I didn't remember a word. I finally manage to say that I would rather choke myself with the scarf I was wearing then give this speech. There was some uncomfortable laughter and in his review of my speech, my professor tells me that I should be a stand up comedian. |
The original topic of my speech was on the difference between BDSM and abuse. I felt it was important to discuss the inaccuracy in 50 Shades of Grey. Yes, I went to see it, but I saw it for entertainment purposes. People need to know that this movie isn't what the BDSM lifestyle is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about comfort and an open discussion about what the two partners want. That's not what 50 Shades of Grey is.
Of course being the mischievous little bitch that I am, I ended it on the subject of fetish high heels. I managed to incorporate the words 'dildo' 'penis' and 'anal' all into one horrifying sentence. He was rightfully victimized.
Now. The true subject of the history of high heels. Where did they start. Where are they from? They were not created by butchers to keep there feet out of blood. That was one interesting rumor. It was only about a few centuries off in accuracy. |
The true heel came around during the 1600's and was the height of masculinity. Queen Elizabeth I of England was the first documented ruler to wear them. It was the French King Louis XIV that turned it into a lifestyle. His shoes were red bottomed and only people in his favor could wear the red bottom.

With the invention of the camera. We did what anyone would do with such a great invention. Take naked pictures of women. Heels are a super normal stimulus, which is basically a fancy way to say that they enhance what we are already attracted to. They enhance the legs, the ass, the area of child bearing. They make our gait more attractive. But, all the dirty men of the 1800's cared about were the first three reasons.
Heels were back for erotic purposes. These sexy naked ladies were dressed up in them, but with the Victorian age, the classy sophisticated woman of the time was not going to be strutting in heels. Didn't mean they didn't do it. I am not an expert, but these are the people who made curtains for table legs because they were too sexual.
With the twenties Flappers were killing it with their heels, but it was really after World War II that heels made a major mainstream comeback. You won't believe why. The pin ups all the military men and sailors were looking at had heels on.
Pornography and fashion intersected and you can thank your grandfathers for bringing the stiletto back into existence. Thank you for being nasty old men. We applaud you for you interest in fashion. |