I remember everything about that wedding. It was April 29th the day before my birthday. It was a Friday. I stayed home from school, so I could watch it, but I still woke up at five in the morning. I watched it all and I loved it. This is also not the time or the place, but I might as well get this out there that Boomer and I are not dating. When I was writing for We Wear Pink, I mentioned that April 30th was our anniversary. It is not. It's my birthday.
What happened was, when I first started writing for We Wear Pink, I imagined I would write as a “persona” and it wouldn't really be me writing. And, it was my second article. I was writing about my life and I just didn't feel comfortable talking about my life. And, I said to myself, “Bubbles deserves a boyfriend”. From there I made up this whole boyfriend scenario and it was wonderful.
And, I was like, “Yes. I know. I told you this.” Needless to say that needed to get out there. I'm sure most of you are probably like WTF, because when I wrote that article I think the most number of views we'd gotten in a day was ten. But, that changes nothing. You needed to know the honest truth. Even, so I still wrote things in a very misleading way about my relationship with Boomer just to irritate my partners. You may very well have thought we were dating without knowledge of my first article.
Back to the point at hand. Prince George of Cambridge. Third in line to the throne and just one year old. I really didn't become that interested in him until I got a Tumblr. Even when that whole drama went down about the nurse killing herself, I wasn't invested. Then, I started seeing all these pictures of him with all these captions and this little boy has captured my heart. Much like Blue Ivy. It's easy to obsess over him. He's that cute. |

In thirty years, who knows what I'll think. He'll probably be bald by then. Just like his father.