I have arrived in Barcelona. I apologize for my inconsistent posting. First things first. Everything is a lot smaller in Europe. You have to go to sooooo many stores in order to get everything you need. Currently, unsure about where to buy coat hangers, but Barcelona has an IKEA. I've had to use my broken Spanish to ask for a pregnancy tests, which was an experience (the translation essentially was "where is... pregnancy"). Skateboarding, along with bicycling (la bicicleta!) is very popular. It's also extremely hilly here. Think San Francisco. |
I currently have three 8:00 AM's, but no class Friday. AND, I desperately am in need of the family Netflix password. I can't watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills at the moment and I'm not handling it very well. There are boutique stores everywhere and there is consistent fashionability everywhere we go. We (Americans) are certainly unattractive. The words of the mother in The Cinderella Story keep playing through my mind, "your not very pretty and your not very bright". Clothes are relatively cheap, so that's a plus. If I need to buy something a coat, pants, etc. I can certainly find something in a college student price range. I've already found a lace men's shirt for a 100 euros I need. |