That is the tentative title of Erika Jayne's upcoming album. Due out early next year? I'm really not sure. It was supposed to be out in 2013, but we see how that worked out. I have been meaning to tell you about Erika, but there wasn't anything I felt I could come to you with. There wasn't anything, I was like, hot damn, this is my shit. Slay, Queen. SLAY.
However. Recently she has released slaytastic music video and song “Painkillr”. And, yes the 'e' is missing on purpose, and technically it's stylized PAINKILLR. There is no explanation for any of that, but I am not one to judge. I slick love Erika Jayne.

I fell in love with her songs. Erika is a great, fun little dance-pop singer. Is she the greatest singer. No. Is she the greatest dancer. No. Basically no on all counts, I just like her. I'm invested.
I don't know what her life is. I try to keep up with her, but it doesn't work really. This video came out like a month or two ago and I'm just now like everyone should watch this. She's great. Is this going to be her next hit? Definitely not. Erika is not signed with any major record label, but she imagines she's going to become world famous somehow. I don't know how she thinks this is going to happen.
That being said some of her songs are real catchy. Not sort of jamming out in my seat, like get up and dance catchy. My personal favorites being “One Hot Pleasure” and “Party People (Ignite The World)”. And, maybe I shouldn't be questioning her, she did get Flo Rida to guest on her song “Get It Tonight” after all. That didn't make any radio impact either, though.
I have so many questions. First. This whole trying to conquer Asia, I do not get. She hasn't conquered America. What is she doing. Where is she getting this money to fly to the Philippines. I don't understand. Also, I love her, but ballads are not her strong suit as a general rule. This is not going to end well.
She has also come to the decision that she needs to have a coffee table book. What is this about Erika. What is this about. It is called The Pretty Mess Crew. I don't know who the target is. Her fanbase? What fanbase. It's like me trying to sell t-shirts with my name on it. I am not Perez Hilton. I am not Tyler Oakley. It would not end well. Erika Jayne is not Madonna. This is not going to sell well. Her influences do include Madonna and Prince. You know how I am with Madonna. I want Erika to slay and she will as she always does. I just don't know what this whole coffee table book is about. Conquer one field at a time. That said. I love the new song. I am obsessed. Bring out the new album queen. I will buy it. I am ready for it. |